The purpose of polarity therapy and wellness studies is to acquire skills with which the practitioner can help those in physical, emotional and mental difficulty to let go of the stress of accumulated tension-restlessness-tiredness. The student of polarity learns to recognize, identify and feel the specific manifestations of stress in the body, heart and mind of the receiver. The body is studied in terms of how it channels the life force, the will, the emotion, the thought and the spiritual and psychic energies.
Matter = Energy = Consciousness = Being. This equation is the core insight of polarity therapy, revealing how the five elements – earth, air, water, fire and ether – combine with each other to create the harmonics of wellness and the imbalances of dis-ease.
The study of the basics of polarity therapy involves a course of twelve two-hour classes in which the students will be shown
….. how to feel and communicate through each element (earth, water, fire, air, ether) and their combinations with each other through the layered and living anatomy
…. through feeling-touch and feeling-movement the simple and complex nuancing of form, flow, force, movement and space in the human body can be fully perceived and directly influenced
We learn to unwind, unravel, disentangle, disassemble the knottings, blockages, contortions, and constrictions of substance-energy-consiousness in various parts and areas of the body
We will study the general session that incorporates all the elements as well as the earth session, water session, fire session, air session and ether session and their specific application in relation to various, common and universal needs and situations.